




Simple STATIC Hello world

This block has registered block class in theme “register-block-styles.php” – “revolution/simple-static-block”:” berkeley-life-v2-text-shadow” for easier editing

Created using npx @wordpress/create-block -> 🪟

For dev run “npm start” in the plugin folder

Dev required node_modules, so do not develop on server and make sure you drop plugin without this folder

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!

Lorem ipsum (image)

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