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Effect of a plant-based bio-equivalent inorganic nitrate (NO3−) complex with vitamins, antioxidants and phytophenol rich food extracts in hypertensive individuals – A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Department of Cardiology, Torrance, CA, USA August 2020

Summary – Design Matters: A Comparison of Clinical Trial Outcomes and Nitrate Supplement Efficacy  

Nitric Oxide & Female Sexual Health 

Nitric Oxide & Cognitive Health 

Effect of a plant-based bioequivalent inorganic nitrate

Nitric Oxide & E.D. 

Nitric Oxide & Intestinal Health 

Nitric Oxide and Nerve Health

Health Starts with a Balanced Oral Microbiome

Understanding and optimizing the health of your oral ecosystem.

Ready to say Yes to NO?

Take full-body health to the next level. Boost your body’s Nitric Oxide levels with Berkeley Life’s test and supplementation system, and enjoy better gut, brain, hormone and heart health!