Berkeley Life

Nitric Oxide Test Strips

In just seconds, Berkeley Life’s patented, non-invasive, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips indicate salivary nitrite levels, which are a proven precursor to Nitric Oxide levels in the body. Designed for daily use, tests trips can be used to measure nitrite levels to establish a daily baseline, assess levels before physical activity, and after each nitrate-rich meal or supplementation. Each tube includes 50 strips – enough for one month of regular testing.

Save 10% and never run out
Save 200% and never run out

Berkeley Life Nitric Oxide Saliva Test Strips were specifically designed to indicate salivary nitrite levels, a proven precursor to Nitric Oxide levels in the body. Use every day to establish a daily baseline, before and after a nitrate rich meal or supplement, and before physical activity.

1. Place the test strip with the “saliva here” side on your tongue and hold for 5 seconds.

2. Fold the strip over and gently press the two sides together and hold for 10 seconds.

3. Separate and compare your results using the Berkeley Test Nitric Oxide Scale on the side of the package.

Quickly and easily assess your Nitric Oxide levels as you track progress.

Assessing your Nitric Oxide (NO) levels every day can help you track your success with the Berkeley Life Nitric Oxide Foundation supplement, and gauge progress toward your health goals. If you are taking in adequate levels of dietary nitrate and your oral microbiome is balanced, you will see results on the Berkeley Life test strip.

Done in Only 15 Seconds

Our non-invasive test is quick and simple to perform.

Easy to Do at Home or the Office

Take the test at your convenience — anytime, anyplace.

Test Before and After Dietary Nitrates

See results of supplements in 90 minutes or less.

Gain Insights on Your NO Journey

Monitor your levels often and stay informed.

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